Special Session

Title: The Power, Beauty and Excitement of a Field that Spans Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: workshop for high school teachers

Time: Tuesday, June 9, 3:00 - 7:30 PM

Location: Grand Ballroom E

Sponsored by IEEE CSS and AACC Technical Committees on Control Education, NSF and University of Kansas
Organizers: Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, University of Kansas and Pamela Whiffen, Gifted Science and Math Specialist, Scottsdale, AZ Unified School District, Dominique Duncan, Yale University

The purpose of this workshop is to increase the general awareness of the importance of systems and control technology and its cross-disciplinary nature among high school teachers and students. The workshop activities include presentations by control scholars and remarkable speakers, informal discussions, and the opportunity for teachers to meet passionate researchers and educators from academia and industry. The talks are designed to be educational, inspirational and entertaining showing the excitement of being an engineer.